Wednesday, March 12th, 2025



Lead Paint Inspection

Our lead paint inspection typically involves a "surface by surface" investigation of painted components for the presence or absence of lead. We have 16 years experience in the lead inspection and testing industry. Our services in lead paint and lead in dust testing have focused primarily on public housing, target housing and child-occupied facilities in addition to commercial, single-family housing and manufacturing facilities. We are very familiar with the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) protocol, performance and limitations of all lead testing and sample collection techniques, interpretation of test results and the implementation of quality control procedures. Since the scope of the lead problem is so great and the cost of abatement is so high, the preferred method for the detection of lead in paint is the x-ray fluorescence analyzer (XRF). The XRF gives accurate instantaneous results of the amount of lead in paint and dust. Our Lead inspection services also include personnel monitoring during lead work, and clearance sampling upon completion of a lead abatement work site.

Lead Exposure Risk Assessment

Research suggests that the primary sources of lead exposure for most children are:

  • Deteriorating lead-based paint
  • Lead contaminated dust
  • Lead contaminated residential soil

The objective of our risk assessment is to identify all lead hazards in the home or community, pathways through which exposure to lead occurs such as dust and soil, likely sources of exposure and identify the options for management or removal of any hazards or source of lead in paint, dust or drinking water. Water quality testing, structural condition, maintenance/painting history and community environment all play a part in determining what hazards may be present or the potential for lead hazards.

Some dishes and clay cookware contain high levels of lead in the glaze or decoration. Terra cotta bean pots and dishes from Mexico are especially hazardous and should be used only for decoration.

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